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bFF Nutrition hub

Stick around if you want to optimise your health,


head over to Hungry Bubbasaurs for baby and child nutrition.

empowering Health
at Every Stage

Meal Prep Club

I want to optimise my well being
through nutrition-packed eating


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tailored to your individual health goals

Hungry Bubbasaurs

I’m here for my child(ren)’s nutrition

From Medical Researcher to Dietitian...

About the Founder

Hayley Cullen-Xiang

Accredited Practicing Dietitian, former Medical Researcher and Laboratory Manager.

I originally trained as a microbiologist, with an absolute fascination in all of the amazing microbial bugs in our world. I then worked as a medical researcher and laboratory manager for a number of years, mainly in the brain development field, researching early neurogenesis in the womb onwards.

I was always interested in the "bench-to-bedside" process, i.e. translating discoveries into real world impact. However, commercialisation of medical discoveries is often focused on cure rather than prevention in the first place.

I went back to university to do my Masters, retraining as an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD), so that I could help to directly bridge the gap between the science and our health.

BFF Nutrition was created to be PROACTIVE, rather than waiting to react to someone’s health condition only at the “bedside”! This is by helping people build (or rebuild) solid nutrition foundations, to improve and optimise lifelong wellbeing.